Saturday, August 2, 2008

"All by Myself"

John has been working a lot lately, and he is training for a race in November so he is running a lot when he is not working. I have been spending my time with (drum roll)--the kids. Amazing, I know. Here are some fun pictures of our recent times together.


My Aunt Teresa made this bow for Annelise.

Just call her Picassa!

She loves purses, I really don't know where she got that from.

Like mother like daughter, sort of.


Rebecca Meece said...

I love that picture of you and Annelise. You have the same pretty brown eyes.

Anonymous said...

What does Picassa mean?

Anonymous said...

She is the female version of Picasso=Picassa.

boqpod said...

Wow! Check out Annelise growing like Virginia laurel! I liked the feminine version of Picasso (you Spanglophile you :).

John would notice if you guys jumped on a plane and headed to Abq, wouldn't he? :) (We drove by Arkwings three weekends ago and saw a SUV parked outside...we were with some friends & wanted to show them the grounds...for future reference :))