Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We bought this outfit for Annelise in November while we were on our cruise. She is a natural. I don't know how I feel about that... She insisted on wearing the hat. What a belly! You'd never know that she refuses to eat almost everything.

Yesterday she wanted to put on all of her coats (3 of them) and go outside. I didn't take her outside with her coats on.

And then there is Caleb...he looks so goofy in his towel. 14 1/2 pounds...what a big boy.


Rebecca Meece said...

They are adorable! I can't believe how big Caleb is- so cute.

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a fox. She really looks like a natural. I can't wait to see them soon. Caleb is looking cuter and cuter, too.

Anonymous said...

Both of them are so cute! I can't wait to see you all soon for our family gathering!

Blessings and love,
Coco and Doodad

Anonymous said...

You have some mighty fine lookin' kids! John, haven't talked to you in years, but congratulations. Mike and I are having our first in 18 days or less ;) I have to say that I think Caleb looks like you, too!

Rachel said...

Those pictures are so cute! They're both working the camera.
Fun blog! I found it from facebook.