Monday, August 25, 2008

Eating Dinner

I hate meal time. I get tired of making meals and cleaning up after them, but the worst part is trying to think of and then preparing something for Annelise to eat and trying to get her to eat it. Sometimes it is a game of "how many distractions will it take to get her to eat a bite". Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

At the other end of the spectrum is Caleb. He wants to eat everything. If I am spooning food to him too slowly, he lets me know. No matter what I have given Annelise to eat, he wants it. I have been letting him have it too. He loves her PB&J sandwiches.

The other night I was feeding Annelise a pizza that I made. Pizza is usually an easy thing to feed her. She had half of a slice and was finished. It was a little strange that she didn't eat more, but I was just thankful to not have a battle. Caleb decided he was interested in her leftovers. Remember, he is not even 6 months old yet.

If anyone has any ideas of what to feed him or let him chew on, let me know. He likes chicken bones and all foods. HELP!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Pause for the Olympics

Things have been busy as usual, but with the Olympics on until midnight every night, sleep is hard to come by. I love the Olympics. It is so hard to turn it off early at night and go to bed, especially when gymnastics doesn't even start until 10:30pm. So, I have been neglecting the computer in order to rest a little during the day.
Annelise and Caleb are doing well. They each had a fever, but are feeling fine now. The biggest news is that we got Annelise's ears pierced. She only cried for about 10 seconds, then was fine. I think she likes them too. I still don't have a good picture of them, but you can see that they are there. They are sparkly flowers with blue centers.
There are other things to write about, but I can't think of them at the moment. Here are more pictures.

One in a chihuahua bed, one in a cat bed

Big boy weighs about 16 pounds now

The earrings

Oh, I forgot to mention that we have started potty training...nothing yet.

What a handsome little man.

They look a little surprised. Caleb loves to stand up.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

What Do You Think?

I am trying new backgrounds. Please tell me what you think about them. I am not sure if I like them. I may just be too used to the original one.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

"All by Myself"

John has been working a lot lately, and he is training for a race in November so he is running a lot when he is not working. I have been spending my time with (drum roll)--the kids. Amazing, I know. Here are some fun pictures of our recent times together.


My Aunt Teresa made this bow for Annelise.

Just call her Picassa!

She loves purses, I really don't know where she got that from.

Like mother like daughter, sort of.

A Kiss

I have a hard time taking pictures of and filming Annelise because she always wants to look at the screen. Caleb was unhappy because he was usual. He is quite the little pig.