Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Caleb Update

I can't forget about my little man. He is growing faster than I wanted him too. He is already sitting up. He just started sitting up by himself last week and now I can't get him to lean back on a pillow. Unfortunately, this has led to a couple of tumbles off of the couch...poor little guy. He still loves to be held all the time, and any one who gives him direct attention with receive thanks in the form of a huge smile. Unlike Annelise, sleeping through the night is not his favorite thing. Last night he finally slept all night...from 9pm to 7am. What a relief. I hope this becomes a habit for him. He and Annelise are similar in that they both started standing at about 3 months old. One of my favorite things is to watch Caleb and Annelise interact. It is obvious that they both like each other. Annelise helps me a lot and Caleb rewards her with coos and smiles. To sum it up, he is a cutie pie and I think I will keep him!

How Old are You, Annelise? "I'm 2!"

It is hard to believe that 2 years have passed since Annelise was born. So much has happened in 2 years, and she has grown so much. I wonder how big she will seem in 2 more years. Her actual birth day:

Here is Annelise a year ago on her 1st birthday.
It was appropriate to have 2 birthday parties for her in honor of her turning 2. The first party was in Memphis with John's family. She had a cupcake with 2 candles and opened her presents.

Her second party was on her birthay the following Saturday (July 5th). We were in NC with my family for the 4th of July.

The week before Annelise's birthday, she stayed with my parents. I had forgotten how relaxing and productive life could be. I got so much work done in the house that I am not able to do with Annelise here. I was able to relax occasionally when Caleb took naps. Although I missed Annelise, I was truly amazed at how different life is without a toddler. My parents were worn out after their week with her. She is constant entertainment!