Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

Annelise loves flowers and wants to smell anything that is or has a flower on it, including fake flowers and flowers in books. She likes to smell leaves too because they are also considered flowers.
First she picks a flower.
Then she smells the flower.
Then she shows off her moustache.


Anonymous said...

She is so cute! Love the pollen mustache! She is such a nature lover just like her parents! Can't wait to see you all again hopefully soon.
Take care!
Love, Coco and Doodad

Anonymous said...

You should let her smell those lilacs. They actually smell good! She is so cute smelling the "flies".

Anonymous said...

Those are the cutest pictures!

Lorena said...

She did get to smell the lilacs and seemed to like them. Who wouldn't? They smell so good. I wish I could move the bush into the house.