Monday, April 21, 2008


The last 7 weeks have been a whirlwind. It feels like Caleb has been with us forever, but I can't believe that he is already 7 weeks old. We've had many ups and downs and are not fully adjusted yet. A friend told me that the first 6 months are pretty tough, but it gets much better after that.
A lot has happened since Caleb was born. The 2 major things are 1-my little sister got married (yesterday), and 2-our car died (the one with better gas mileage). Now we are busy spending our free time looking for a car.
John has been working late a lot, and has been working many weekends. He is leaving from work today to go to the Outer banks to scout out a kayaking trip in May. He won't be back until Wed evening. I love Annelise and Caleb, but sometimes I think I am going crazy. It is so hard to take care of them all day all by myself. I know why so many women prefer to put the kids in daycare. But, when they are good, it is GREAT!
On a happier note, Caleb started smiling last week. Here are some recent photos of Caleb the Giant. He is already 12 pounds and growing out of some of his 0-3 month clothes. Annelise didn't start growing out of them until she was about 4 months old...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

Annelise loves flowers and wants to smell anything that is or has a flower on it, including fake flowers and flowers in books. She likes to smell leaves too because they are also considered flowers.
First she picks a flower.
Then she smells the flower.
Then she shows off her moustache.