Friday, January 18, 2008


I have a book called Cat Haiku by Deborah Coates. As any good cat-lover would, I enjoy reading from this book occasionally and thinking about my cat, Jasper, and his poor lost sister, Savy. Here is one of my favorites:

You Call and I hear.

But I am a jungle cat

And will not answer.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Baby

Yesterday at 2pm, Lilly Cruz McCall was born in Bolivia to Hannah and Charles. Charles is John's brother. Annelise has a cousin! We are very excited for them and are looking forward to meeting Lilly in May or June. Another fun surprise is that yesterday was John's mother's birthday too so she gets to share it with her new granddaughter. They don't have pictures up yet, but they will post them on their blog soon. Follow the link for "Charles and Hannah" on the right.

Lilly Cruz McCall
Born at 2pm on Jan. 9, 2007
Weight 6 lbs 5 oz
Both mother and baby are doing well.

Praise God!

Since I don't have any pictures of the new baby, here is another one of Annelise.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Not Enough

At the end of our Christmas vacation, John and I were very happy to have dinner with our friends Bob, Judi and Abigail Podgurski in Albuquerque, NM the night before we flew home. We met the Pod's while living in Colorado and love every minute we get to spend with them. Although our dinner was short and weepy (with a very tired and sick Annelise), it was nice to see them again. Bob did inform me that I do not blog enough. I don't have as much time now that Annelise doesn't sleep as often, and when she does I usually want to lie down too. But, it is true. I don't blog enough. Well, Bob, this one's for you.

Caleb is due in 2 months and I feel like it is coming very quickly. We are going to try to put him and Annelise in the same room once he starts sleeping through the night (which I hope will be very soon). John doesn't really like this plan, but it is so nice for me to have this extra room for the computer and for company. I use it a lot and don't want to give it up since the kids won't know the difference anyway. If sharing a room doesn't work out, I will give in and let each one have his own room. I am really hoping it works though. After all, years ago, that is what everyone did. Kids shared a room. Why can't it work today?

John's brother and his wife are expecting their first child any day now. It is a girl and we are so excited for them. They are in Bolivia right now but will move back to the states at the end of May. It will be so nice for Annelise (and Caleb) to have a cousin!

I think Caleb is a little uncomfortable. He squirms all the time and kicks me a lot. Maybe he will come a little early.
1-Annelise after church with a fun pine cone.
2-John made a big pile of leaves that Annelise enjoyed playing in with Terra.
3-At the NC zoo with my parents a few days before Thanksgiving. I sure do look small in that photo. I don't feel that small anymore.