Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Bit Late

I have been thinking about when to write about this and as time goes by, it just gets a little more awkward. Now it seems that I am a bit late in giving out this information. It is better late than never.

If everything goes as planned, some time in early March we will become a family of 4 (not including pets of course). We found out the day before Annelise's birthday that we will be having another baby.
Although we are very excited, I am very exhausted. It is easier to be home this time around, rather than at work, but Annelise keeps me busy when she is awake (which is most of the time.) I am very thankful for our kitties who keep her entertained about half of the time. She LOVES the kitties.
I am about 15 weeks pregnant and just started the 2nd trimester. The due date is somewhere around March 8th. It is going much better this time around. I haven't been very sick this time, just extremely tired and quite hungry.
I guess we will find out in about 5 weeks whether it is a boy or a girl. I would like for it to be a surprise, but John wants to know.
Here are 2 photos. One John took while hiking with Annelise and Terra. The other was taken early September and is a 4 generation photo with my grandmother, mother, me and Annelise. It is a little fuzzy and Annelise is blocking her face, but it is the best one I have.


Anonymous said...

How nice to have four generations in one picture! I love Amy's new haircut, too. It looks just beautiful! We look forward to getting together soon.
Love, Sharon and John (Coco and Doodad)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! That is wonderful. I'm glad you're feeling better this time around. Praying all goes well.

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

I am just so happy and thrilled for you guys. It's a hard adjustment going from one to two, but so worth it too. Congratulations!